As the holiday season rapidly approaches, it becomes a very busy time of year for everyone, especially those individuals within the shipping industry. In spite of the hectic time ahead, Spot is here to ease some of that burden and give you tips on how to avoid getting caught up in the frenzy of the holidays!
1.) Communication
This is the number one tip to shippers we could possibly give. Communication is such an integral part in the overall process of making sure you get your shipment from one place to another on time and in perfect condition. During these winter months, it is important to have an open line of constant communication with your drivers in order to avoid big issues such as the weather, scheduling inconsistencies, and various other problems that could potentially arise. Making sure to have advance notice on whether or not a shipment is going to be late or deterred during its journey is a big part of presenting the best service for your company.
2.) Being Proactive
This concept can also go right along the lines of good communication. It’s imperative during this holiday season to give plenty of lead time in order to avoid those last minute changes and orders in the delivery process. Advanced scheduling is crucial in making sure you get the job done on time, which can also help with capacity to keep the rising rates in check the best you can. Being proactive on the forefront is also your best chance in avoiding any revenue loss by having to pay extra costs during the busy period.
3.) Managing Transit Time Expectations
Due to uncontrollable elements such as weather conflicts and more traffic on the roads, you must plan for longer transit times. Also, another factor that is going to truly affect transit times is the ELD mandate, beginning on December 18. It’s hard to say how much or how little these times will be affected, considering the mandate is brand new to truck drivers, but it’s to be expected that the more compliant one is with the mandate, the longer transit times will be. It’s good to know where your driver stands on this, and to remember to have constant check-ins with them to make sure they are continuing on their journey without complications.
4.) Reality of Rates
Despite ones best efforts, rates are inevitably going to go up this holiday season, while carrier capacity will go down. A lot of this is partial to again, the new ELD mandate. Although despite this decree, the demand for shipping will continue and even most likely increase due to the constant need of sending and receiving around the demanding season. You will also need to be aware of a driver shortage, as more professionals will be needed to compensate for some upsurge. Despite any obstacles that may occur, the industry will continue to flourish because demand will all in all continue to outweigh supply.
5.) Learn from the Past
One last tip to leave you all with is to take each busy holiday season as it comes. If this is your first one, make sure to communicate with others around you to learn about particular methods they think are best to avoid getting caught up in some chaotic, last minute situations. If this isn’t your first holiday rodeo here, don’t think back to when there was a spike in demand you couldn’t handle or any issues you had to face. It’s all about correcting potential problems ahead of time, teaching others how to detect when they’re coming, and embracing all of your past mistakes in order to make a path for a better, more successful future to keep that holiday spirit alive!
Spot is here to help out with your logistics and transportation needs during this holiday season! Contact us above at any time for a quote.