MySpot for Shippers
MySpot, developed by our subsidiary, Red Technologies, is a robust proprietary transportation management system (TMS). Keep track of your loads, simplify and automate your tasks and focus on what matters most. It’s easy to use and easy to integrate with a goal of continuous improvement to ensure your work gets done and your goods get moved. When every second matters, trust MySpot and the proven logistics leader behind it to deliver every time.
Spot’s application programming interface (API) integration lets you customize how you work. Now it’s easier to keep up with load requests, pricing, freight locations and more. With real-time visibility into your supply chain, you can instantly make decisions and stay informed on loads rather than relying on error-prone, time-consuming emails, phone calls or guesswork. Your efforts become more cost-effective, reliable and efficient.
MySpot has a proven track record of increasing efficiency by simplifying and automating your manual processes that take time away from your more important tasks. It’s responsive, fast, flexible and designed to be one of the highest-performing TMS solutions available.

Dynamic Routing Guides
MySpot maintains truckload rates for your contracted carrier and populates city-to-city and zip-to-zip rates across all modes. All carrier rates have both an effective date and expiration date. You stay current and can pick from active rates or extend carrier contracts as needed.
Track and Trace
Track all shipments from one place and easily identify loads that are running behind or prepare for instances where possible service interruption may occur.
Spot Market Visibility
Place any shipment on the spot market to obtain coverage or benchmark rates from multiple carriers. Once an acceptable bid is received, the shipment can be tendered to a carrier.
LTL Load Execution
Get rates, book shipments and track loads from a single place. Generate and send BOLs directly from the system with ease.
Standard and Customized Reporting
Generate proprietary reports that align with your business requirements and demands. Utilize reporting visibility and analysis of spend, KPIs, SLAs, carrier performance and more.
Exception Management
With Spot’s commitment to visibility, you can find disruptions in your workload before they become a costly problem.
Freight Audit
Make sure you pay what was agreed upon with exception management built into MySpot.
Accruals Visibility
Integrate live to ERP, export in batch or view online to easily track and calculate shipment costs that haven’t been billed.
Standard Filterable Reports
View your reports and stay organized so you can access the information you need.
Data Feed for Business Intelligence
Stay connected with integrated and updated data feeds.
Managed Solution
If you utilize multiple transportation providers and have time-consuming, manual processes for tendering, maintaining routing guides and building orders, our managed solution provides you with better visibility into your freight operations.