Spot, one of the fastest-growing logistics companies in North America, is proud to be named to the 2023 Armstrong & Associates’ Top 100 Domestic Transportation Management 3PL’s List. The annual list is grouped and ranked by a company’s previous year’s gross revenue. You can find the list here.
Armstrong & Associates, Inc. (A&A) was established in 1980 to meet the needs of a newly deregulated domestic transportation market. Since then, through its leading 3PL market research and history of helping companies outsource logistics functions, A&A has become an internationally recognized essential information resource for 3PL market research and consulting.
Based upon 3PL’s reported 2022 financial results, Armstrong & Associates estimates that U.S. 3PL Market net revenues grew 24% to $148.1 billion, and overall gross revenues increased 18.3%, bringing the total U.S. 3PL Market to $405.5 billion in 2022.
Spot being named to this list places them as a leader in the domestic transportation management market, the largest segment of the entire U.S. 3PL market.